Laravel Yajra Datatables is a package that provides an easy way to integrate DataTables jQuery plugin with Laravel. It allows us to easily generate server-side processing of data and provides capabilities like filtering, sorting, searching, and pagination.
One of the main issues with using large data sets in DataTables is performance. However, using Laravel Yajra Datatables, we can achieve faster performance by optimizing the queries and reducing the data sent to the client.
1. Optimize Queries
When using DataTables, it is important to optimize the queries for faster execution. One of the ways of achieving this is by using eager loading. Eager loading avoids the N+1 problem where additional queries are made to retrieve related data. By using eager loading, we can reduce the number of queries made to the database and improve performance.
$data = User::with('orders')->get();
In the code above, we are loading all the users with their orders. This reduces the number of queries made to the database as compared to individually retrieving users and their orders.
2. Reduce Data Sent to the Client
Another way of improving performance is by reducing the data sent to the client. This means that instead of sending the entire data set to the client, we only send the necessary data required for the current page.
Laravel Yajra Datatables allows us to paginate the data, meaning that we only retrieve the data necessary for the current page. This reduces data retrieval time and overall page load time.
return Datatables::of(User::query()) ->addColumn('status', function($user) { return $user->active ? 'Active' : 'Inactive'; }) ->toJson();
In the code above, we are only retrieving the necessary data from the User model and computing an additional column with the status attribute. This reduces the amount of data sent to the client.
3. Use Caching
Caching is an essential tool for improving performance. When dealing with large data sets, it is common to use caching to avoid unnecessary queries. Laravel provides a caching system that can be easily integrated with DataTables.
return Cache::remember('users', $minutes, function () { return Datatables::of(User::query()) ->make(true); });
In the code above, we are caching the results of the query for a given number of minutes before fetching the data again. This reduces the number of queries made to the database and improves the response time.
Laravel Yajra Datatables is a powerful tool for working with large data sets in Laravel. By optimizing queries, reducing data sent to the client, and using caching, we can achieve faster performance and a smoother user experience. With these techniques, you can now take your DataTables development to the next level!